We've made it to 30 weeks! {yesterday}
Feelin' pretty good... but would love all the good thoughts, prayers, and vibes you can send. We finally got her nursery chair, and a few more things for the nursery... now I just need to figure out the decor - oh dear, I need some help with that one. Can't wait to share. Our baby shower that my sweet sisters are hosting is coming up in a couple weeks and I am so anxious to spend a few hours with some fabulous ladies who are sharing in our happiness.
I haven't been sleeping well lately - insomnia has set in. I think a lot of women feel this when they are pregnant, so I know I am not alone. My favorite part of being pregnant is definitely feeling (and watching) her move in my belly. It's amazing seeing the feet, hands, arms, and legs jolt my belly from side to side. I also love how much she responds when TL talks to my belly and pokes at her.
I hope you have a great week. I saw this on pinterest - during my 4 hour spirt of being awake last night - and had to share... maybe we all have a little something to learn from our furry family members. :)