How i'm feeling: Feelin' well. Just soaking in all of the time I have left with her in my belly. I know I will be thrilled when she is out, but I will miss feeling her move, hiccup, and kick.
How far along: 36 weeks 1 day
Size of the baby: 18.66 inches long, 5.78 pounds estimated.
Total Weight Gain: Not sure - going to doctor today. Last check, about 15 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: some maternity, some regular. Whatever is comfortable!
Gender: a GIRL... Andie! #andielesh
Movement: yes, she is very active. Her movements have changed since she has gotten bigger.
Sleep: depends on the night - I was up for 4 hours in the middle of the night and woke up at 4:30am today. I think my body is trying to get a lil prepared.
What I miss: we're in the home stretch, so not too much - but with the warm weather we've been having - a glass of white wine or chilly beer does sound appetizing :)
Cravings: frozen yogurt... it's the best thing ever!
Symptoms: I get a little uncomfortable after a big meal, and in the evenings. But truly, nothing major! I have been having contractions for a few weeks now.
Best moments this week (past couple weeks): +finishing her nursery!! It's complete and ready for her to come home to whenever she is. I will post pictures very soon. +hitting the 36 week mark... can't believe we are this close! +getting the diaper bag (thanks MIL), and lots of new clothes from both of her grandmas.
Looking forward to: +every week. I know she is getting really big in there, so I am just trying to enjoy feeling her move (even though it hurts sometimes) and remember it, because I know I will miss it when she is out. +spending a few more date nights alone with TL. I know I said that last time... but I am soaking it all in. Our girl will be here soon :)
36 weeks... wow!
I hope your week is off to a great start!