Baby Lesh is a....

Posted on the 12 December 2012 by Thenigottothinking @tracyzlesh
We are so thrilled!!  TL has always dreamed of having a little girl (and boy, too) and we are so excited to bring a new little blue eyed girl into the world.
We actually did the ultrasound today so we could surprise our parents with the news (they thought we were going tomorrow) and they were all very happy, too.  We would all would have been ecstatic either way... but this will be the first granddaughter for my parents, and the first grand baby (and girl) for my MIL (she has 3 sons!)
Thank you for all of your love and support.  We feel very blessed to have so many people expressing excitement and sharing in our joy with us.
Cheers to PINK!  Let the nursery planning begin......

Source: Uploaded by user via Tracy on Pinterest