Baby Making Update: TMI Time For My IUI
Posted on the 20 November 2015 by Chasingjoy
Joy Chasers this trying to conceive thing is not easy. But I guess nothing worth having really is. This cycle has been rough and I have not even started the two week wait yet. In my last video, Back at it! TTC Cycle 9: Monitoring, you saw that even with all of that monitoring we still missed the opportunity for me to do my Ovidrel trigger shot at the most optimal time. I gave myself the shot anyway and now it's time for the IUI. Honestly I already feel sad about this cycle. I feel like it is not going to work. I am trying to be optimistic but that is just not how I am feeling right now. On the bright side it does seem like this IUI is being timed pretty well. It is in God's hands now.
Here is the video of my IUI. It is TMI but you really don't see anything.
Despite my feelings going in to this cycle I am going to fight against them, focus on the positive, pray, and give myself credit for trying to create the life I want for myself.