Diaries Magazine

Baby's First Christmas | Gift Guide

Posted on the 27 November 2015 by Mummyb @mummyb_kw
Baby's First Christmas | Gift Guide This will be Henry's first Christmas and boy am I excited! I adore Christmas, but when you have children it's so much more fun! Having said that, I have been struggling for ideas for gifts - what do you get a three month old?! Today we're venturing out in a bid to get some bits ticked off our Christmas shopping list and with the Black Friday sales this is the perfect time to get your Christmas shopping done. So many places have absoluty fantastic sales at the moment, including Debenhams whom have some great Black Friday promotions on toys In fact I have been so surprised by the amount of fantastic items Debenhams have for little ones in particular. Such as sensory balls, teethers and the rather cute Hungry Caterpillar soft activity toy. All of which are on offer at the moment with up to 50% off!  As well as having great deals on toys, they also have some great deals on baby clothing too. I love the John Rocher range, these cute woodland themed bibs currently have 20% off! 
Have you/are you planning on doing any Christmas Black Friday shopping?
Mummy B xoxox 
*PR Collaboration 

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