Diaries Magazine

Back from the Nearly Dead…

Posted on the 19 August 2012 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

I was on a roll. I had the photo challenge lined up and I was going to be faithful. I still am, really. There has just been a bit of a burp in the proceedings is all.

Like I thought I might die. For the last three days.

I got back from holidays and went to work on Wednesday, at about lunch time I said to the girl I was working with that I felt like I had a stitch in my side. As the day progressed, so did the pain.

Now if I was normal human being I would have gone to the walk in clinic right after work, but I am not. I am a stubborn cow that just figures it is nothing and I will miraculously wake up better.

I didn’t.

I was in emergency at 6 am. Dying.

Ok…no I wasn’t but it felt like it.

I should have actually gone about 3 am, but again the stubborn thing came into play, and I just didn’t have the heart to wake Bruce up or the energy to actually get my possibly dying ass out of bed.

So I waited.

Apparently according to the emergency room greeter dude, or I guess nurse…I made the right choice.  He said they were insane at 3 am.

He was also trying to be funny and light, which when you feel like you are dying, is probably greatly under appreciated. Actually to be honest, it was just pissing me off.

I wanted a doctor and drugs and to be back in bed. I didn’t really give a damn how funny he was.

He then felt it necessary to slam me in the back, right where it hurt,  just to make sure. It is lucky for him it made me want to cry more than to turn around and punch him in the face, though it did occur to me that that might be an option…not a good one, but I thought about it. Really.

And I was the only person in there. It still took an hour for anyone to see us, because lucky us…we were right in the middle of shift change.

Finally the doctor showed up, barely looked at me, never touched me and declared I had a kidney infection. This was actually a huge surprise to me, because I have had kidney infections before and I always remember there being agony when peeing, and really bad back pain. There was neither of those this time, and I have absolutely no idea what would have caused it. Regardless, that was his diagnosis. There wasn’t much else said, he gave us a prescription and sent us on our way.

Of course nothing was open.

And I was dying.

Now at this point in time just let me say that any man that can deal with me sick has to be tough as fuck or have the patience of a saint. Because when I hurt I am a hard case.

Bruce dropped me off, went back to the pharmacy with my prescription and left me to die.

When he got back, I was still actually alive. He brought me treats…which normally I totally appreciate, but all I could say was where are the drugs, you know, like a crack addict would say. No appreciation no nothin’…

He didn’t have them.

Pardon? I am sure I have five minutes left here until I perish…

The pharmacy must have been filling all the prescriptions from the hospital visitors that were there at 3 am and SAT OUTSIDE THE DOORS waiting for the damn pharmacy to open.

It was going to be 45 minutes.

I tried not to cry, I really did. Just like when we walked into emergency and the funny man asked me what was wrong…I tried not to then either, but I did.

I have a huge tolerance for pain, but there just comes a point where even the toughest of bitches screams give.

It has mostly been uphill from there. I finally got drugs. I am feeling a bit better. I still have some pain in my kidney but the crying has stopped and I might actually get out of bed today.

It’s day four. I am now on my official three days off. I am thinking I am probably not going to get too much accomplished.

And that’s ok…I already missed all the sunny days anyway.

I will get back on track with the Photo challenge tomorrow I promise, maybe even tonight if I actually get up, because you see the next challenge is What did you wear today?

Really wouldn’t be much of a shot at this point, bhahahahah…

Have a healthy Sunday loves…

Back from the nearly dead…

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