Diaries Magazine

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Posted on the 26 August 2013 by Elizabethwix

We are now back in our house which does not have much stuff in it except my dog toys. The ceiling is not pink.
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It is white.
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Anyway, you may well be asking what I have been up to. Mostly nothing. Jasper came over when we were visiting Buck's house. He got on my bed as per usual.
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This is him and me.
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This is him in my bed.
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I got sent another present from Chewy that is like stew and is so mighty tasty that it makes me lick my lips with joy. See below*.
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I think dogs in the olden days used to ask for food too.
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This is a dog that is made out of china.
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This is a cake from a party I did not go to. The cake has got dogs on it because the grownups made friends because they have dogs. If I eat chocolate I sneeze and then I am sick. But I would eat it anyway.
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This is Jada at the park this morning looking noble.
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This is part of me. Mum has a new filter on her phone. Oh dear! That is pretty much all that is going on round here. I'm sorry that things are not more exciting, but I am well, as I hope you are.
ps. We get treats  as presents from Chewy but do not get money. This food is by Orijen.

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