Back on the Wagon

Posted on the 10 June 2012 by Thecomfortablebaker @andisapplecakes
Yea I know.... Two posts in one day. CRAZY!!!!!
Back on the Wagon...
Since the wedding we have been on Carb-a- palooza.  And as we (husband & I ) have learned, we don't do well with carbs. They stick to our bum's and thighs and guts, and they don't come off. So we're back on the wagon. Though this time, it's not medifast, completely.
This time around, we are not as financially sound as we were before, therefore we can't spend the $600 a month on food, yes, you read that right. Medifast works, there is no doubt about it, you work the program, you will loose weight. But in the end, I got laid off and funny how it is, we chose to pay the mortgage instead of paying medifast. I'm sure you'll agree, we made the right decision.
So when summer came around the the shorts came out, and I realized,  I could fit into nothing that I could last summer. I don't just mean the shorts were too tight or the dresses were snug, I couldn't fit them over my ginormous thighs. So after a month of wallowing in self pity, I sucked it up and we decided that it was time. But this time we needed to find other products that would meet the medifast plan, but not the medifast budget. I had mentioned to Kevin that some other folks were still doing medifast, but with out the medifast products. I laid down with a migraine and by the time I woke up, he had found a great resource... The Carbless Gourmet.  They have a list of products that come close or even exactly match medifast. So last Thursday night we went out and made the plunge.  We're back on and it's working.
Last go around it was 60lbs for me and 100+lbs  for Kevin. By the time I stopped, I was sick of the food and tired of dieting. I just stopped. I didn't work myself off gradually (like I was supposed to) and I started eating bread again. (oh sweet bread!)  Then the weight started coming back. I sabotaged myself at every turn, and let myself enjoy everything I missed. But not just small portions of bad for me foods,  but giant, heaping, mega portions. And whoosh it all came back. And then some.
Can I make the promise that I won't do the same this time. NOPE. I've got a small window in which to loose some girth. September it'll be a go for baby making. Once I'm prego, no more medifast. But on the other hand. I will be the healthiest I can be when I'm pregs. I'm growing new life and that means real whole foods to nourish.  No chemicals, or as close as I can come. 
So since I started Satuday morning I've lost 3lbs, and can expect to loose between 2-5lbs a week. I want to be back to my wedding weight by the time September comes. I wasn't at my thinest. But I'll be happy to get pregnant there. If I can do more, awesome!
Off to enjoy some high protein yogurt shakes. I'll keep you updated!

Here we are at the end of March...
Yes that's Hogwarts! and I can't fit into those pants now.

And here we are on our Honeymoon.
We'll get back there, and I don't mean St Lucia...