1. What were you like in Middle School/HS? Oh, dear... well, I was your typical "student council, cheerleader, yearbook, track runner, powderpuff cheer coach, people pleasin', loved my friends, pretty good student" girl. I compare myself to that girl on Grease who cries when the float falls apart at the dance. (try not to judge me ;)) We had a huge class through high school (almost 750 kids) and it was fun!
I won't discuss Middle School... there isn't enough space on this blog to talk about that awkward time of my life.
2. What were your favorite past times? My friends and I loved driving in the car listening to music, sneaking off campus for lunch, Friday night football & basketball, float construction, parties, girls nights, sleepovers, school dances, and (mostly) innocent fun.
3. What songs were you obsessed with? I can't remember HS songs very well... hmmm, I think Avril Lavigne & got into Taking Back Sunday late in my senior year because of Jenny (bff).
4. What fashion statement do you look back on and cringe? Definitely the slicked back pony tails with gel. What was I thinking?
5. Who was your celeb crush? I only had huge real life crushes that never worked out. But no worries... my biggest one did, married him! ;)
6. What were your favorite tv shows/movies? I didn't watch a lot of TV (see question 1 & 2) but I think 7th Heaven and maybe American Idol (or was that college?)
Here are a few pictures I could find - 'pictures of pictures' because these are the ones I could find quickly...

I think I have about 492,729 pictures from High School. I was historian my senior year... however, at the moment, I can't seem to find any. Time to go through all of my stuff and reorganize.
Although I feel I have changed dramatically since High School, a part of that girl still makes up my character and I am so blessed to have had a mostly positive experience.
Have a great Sunday!