Back to School Supplies

Posted on the 08 August 2013 by Marissa Sexton @marissa_ela
In keeping with the Back to School theme we've got going on this week, I welcome Christina!
Hey y'all! I'm Christina from The Scrappy Housewife and I am thrilled to be guest posting here at Everyday Lounge Act.
When Marissa said she was looking for Back to School posts I knew I could offer up some great ideas to help you stretch your school supplies dollar. You see, long before I was a blogger, I was an elementary school teacher! So I know what to get, what to avoid and where to shop. Grab a beverage of your choice or maybe a snack and let's get started.

First up, let's talk about some pretty basic ways to save you money, (immediately and in the long run) on your back to school purchases.
  • Stick to the list - I know that it is really tempting to buy a lot of fancy school supplies, but your best bet is to stay on track with the list sent out by your child's school. Sure, your sweetie might beg for that 100 pack of crayons but resist (if you don't want to be the bad guy, point to the list and blame that ;) ). I can guarantee that there won't be any space in your child's desk for that mega pack and it's going to cost an arm and a leg!
  • Shop multiple stores and be patient - I get it, you want to grab your list and get in the store and (more importantly) get out with a minimum of fuss. Trust me, I get you. But you can save more money and time, oddly enough, if you spread your back to school shopping out over time and shop multiple stores. That doesn't mean you need to bounce from store to store in one day. School supplies go on sale as early as mid-July and you can pick up items at super steep savings during your regular shopping trips. Just make sure you keep them stashed in a shoe box or drawer for easy access when school time arrives.
  • Have an emergency bag - When I was teaching, I gave each of my students a gallon sized storage bag on the first day of school. They took out only the supplies they needed to keep in their desks and everything else went in the bag. We put their name on it and stashed it in their cubby or put them all in a big plastic bin. When they ran out of (or more likely lost) pencils, they just grabbed one or two out of their emergency bag. Ask your child's teacher if this is an option in his or her classroom. This will save you from having to replace supplies midway through the year.
  • Think back to school while enjoying the summer - I know, I know! Thinking about school while you sunbathe isn't fun! But stores like Staples start advertising back to school deals in the middle of the summer, and those sales can be fantastic! Just don't tell your kids. ;) 

Now friends, as a former teacher I have to be honest with you. Some of the supplies we see on a yearly basis...well, they kind of stink. I thought I'd share with you some supplies you should be willing to pay a little more for. And if you saw a crazy lady in Target the other day taking stealth photos with her cell phone, that was probably me. ;)
Big Pink Erasers vs. Pencil Toppers

Skip the pencil toppers! Sure they look cool in all the multi-colors, but they break and they get lost and two weeks into school you'll be buying more. I can't tell you how many of these I've picked up off of my classroom floor. They are awful. The big pink eraser lasts all year long and if it breaks in half you have two instead of one! 
Elmer's vs. The Off Brand

If there's one thing I could share with parents, it would be to buy the big brand name glue. Elmer's is the way to go. Sure that super cheap pack of glue sticks is tempting but they dry out so fast and they don't stick very well at all. Spend a little more and get a quality product that will last all year.
Paper vs. Plastic Poly Folders

Most of the time these days, kids need a variety of folders in different colors for each subject and homework, etc. If there's anything I am willing to pay good money for it's an upgrade in folder quality. Opt for plastic/poly folders over the more traditional paper folders. They're tough and you shouldn't need to replace them half way through the year, making the extra cost worth it!

Now that you've got the idea, let's talk about where to find all those fantastic deals that'll ensure you save big.
Walmart - They typically have really good prices on glue, folders, file cards and crayons. I've seen Elmer's as cheap as 10¢ and crayons as low as 25¢ in the past. Their back to school sales begin in the middle of the summer, so while you're picking up sunscreen grab a bottle of glue and some Crayolas. 
Staples - Confession time. I don't have any kiddos (yet), but even I get excited about the back to school sales at Staples. It's a great place to pick up folders (the paper kind, if you prefer them) for a penny(!) and other supplies like glue, pencils, erasers and filler paper for under a buck. I always stock up on printer paper for a $1 a ream (after rebate). Sales at Staples begin mid-summer and they offer steep discounts each week right up until school starts. Keep an eye out for those deals and take advantage of them when you see them. You generally have to make a $5 purchase (over and above those extreme deals), but I can always find something else I need.
Target - Sadly, Target isn't the best place to shop for supplies. They have lots of fun stuff, but their prices aren't competitive unless you know how to work the system. First, download their Target Cartwheel app. on your smart phone. It offers you percent off discounts. Then, go to Target's website and print off Target coupons (good only at Target, it will say Target Coupon at the top of the coup). Last, check your Sunday paper for coupons good on the supplies you'll need. You can use all three on one item. Yes, really. That's awesome right? Right!
Lastly, you might think dollar stores like Dollar Tree would be a good deal, but not this time. They can't compete with the penny sales the other stores offer.
Whew, that was a lot of info! Don't worry though, you can do this! I'd love to hear how much you save. You can always find me at my blog, or on my blog's Facebook page. Pop over and hang out some time!
Thanks for letting me guest post Marissa!