Aside from how awesome her son's birthday party is going to be this weekend and even aside from the male birth control pill that is being tested.. the memory sparked was about my worst birthday gift ever. Katy's bday was this weekend, and she was given sweat pants.. yes, sweat pants. Not only are sweat pants just not a good idea, sweat pants that could fit two of you in them are a worse idea. Katy is a stick-thin-tiny girl and the sweats were a size Large. OOOPS! That definitely deserves a bad birthday present title.
I started to think about bad birthday presents. Keep in mind, I am the queen of spoiled birthdays. I always make sure to remind people for weeks in advance that my birthday is coming up. Most of the time people are SO excited to get my birthday over with, so I'll shut up about it. If you follow me on instagram you know the whole month of July, almost every post was about my birthday. I write it on people's calendars. I fully expect to be spoiled. I don't care if it's Cheez-It crackers or a limo. A present is a present, they all rock!
A few years back, probably about 4 now. My family was telling me that they had no idea what to get me for my birthday. Hearing this freaked me out, I didn't want to have a dud birthday, so I took matter into my own hands. I put together a list of birthday presents that I'd love ranging in price from $10 - $50. I had it prioritized from most to least wanted and also included links. In my head the list was bulletproof and I had just saved my birthday.
My birthday arrives and as usual I wake up before anyone else. I drive to my mom and dad's house to open presents and celebrate. When I get there everyone is still groggy and on the other hand I've already eaten my 3rd slice of birthday cake for breakfast, so I'm ready to go. I sit everyone in a circle, throw a chair in the middle and start opening presents. I open the first 2 or 3 and am excited to see my list was followed. Nailed it! Then my sweet brother, that is just shy of 2 years younger than me, hands me a present. I unwrap it... I am baffled.
It was a Red Ryder BB Gun from the movie "A Christmas Story". What the?! I would have rather had the Leg Lamp.

I have no use for this BB Gun.. I try to force a smile, but the disapproval must have shown through. He tried to explain to me that he wanted to be creative and get me something unexpected. He definitely succeeded at that task. (The worst part is those BB guns are somewhat expensive, I looked it up later that day and it was close to $50) Presents were done and I started to try on clothes, play with make-up, and show love to all my presents when I turn around and Jared, my dad and 2 brothers have my gun outside and are shooting a little paper target it came with. HELLO? Isn't this my birthday, get your butts inside, it's time for french toast!
After the festivities I loaded all the presents into my trunk, it took me over 3 months to actually take the BB gun out of the trunk. Ever since, it's been under my bed unused.
What's the WORST gift you've ever been given?