Posted on the 28 September 2012 by Mikidemann
Call me a monster! Go ahead and do it. I am not sure what the freak my deal is, but I think I have the sorest back in the world. I hear people saying if I exercise it will help, but I hate exercising. I may sound like a pessimist right now, but sometimes I sound like! I really probably should start exercising, but what's the fun in that? I don't know. I don't understand it, maybe baby steps. I could first stop slouching. That would probably help. However, I don't notice when I slouch. I feel like if I sit up straight I will look like a prude. Don't you imagine a mean librarian when you think of someone sitting up super straight? Me too. I bet you're picturing a librarian with a bun on her head right now. That's what I am picturing. This week my back has been a meany. via