Diaries Magazine

Bad to The Bone: Book Muncher

Posted on the 18 July 2013 by Mikidemann @mikidemann
This week's bad dog award goes out to Indiana Jones, the Frenglish Bulldog. He's my puppy and he's just over 7 months old. He has been in this horrible chewing phase the past month or two. Shia never went through a phase like this, so I am not used to picking up my shoes and anything I don't want chewed up. Lets be honest, I leave things everywhere because I can be a mess. Well yesterday, I posted about going to the lake, even though I never EVER read at the lake I always bring a book, just in case. I brought my favorite book of the month, Chelsea Handler's Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang. I love all of her books and this was the last one I have to read in her collection. I am not a big reader and can read one of her books over a weekend if my cheeks can handle all the laughing. I bought the book a few months ago and just started reading it. I'm about half way through and apparently I am staying at that half way point until I can wait for another copy to get here from amazon. Thank you INDIANA!
Seriously, he's the worst. I threatened to give him away more than once when I  saw his latest torn up master piece. I came into the bedroom to shredded paper and Indiana is notorious for getting things out of the trash, like chewed up gum, wrappers, tags or whatever he can find. I thought it was a piece of garbage he had shredded. Upon closer inspection it was not a a piece of trash it was my favorite book. Indie sure can be a incredibly naughty. Indie can really make me want to strangle him and pull on his one sticking up ear. I almost took one of his toys and chewed it up but that would not get my point across quite how I'd like it to.
I'll just leave this on my nightstand for decoration.
Bad to The Bone: Book Muncher
Bad to The Bone: Book MuncherBad To The Bone: Shia terrifying our neighbors
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Becoming what I always was
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