Bad to the Bone: Edition 1

Posted on the 28 June 2013 by Mikidemann @mikidemann
I'm pretty sure all of you are aware that I have 2 children. They are not normal children, they walk on all fours, are covered in fur, never wear clothes and they snore. My little children are in fact, puppies. I grew up with dogs and could never imagine my life without dogs. I am not one of those mom's that doesn't know when their children have flaws. That's why I am going to start a link-up every Thursday called Bad to the Bone. I would love for all of you to join me and tell me about your naughty babies. Cats, Dogs, Birds, Bunnies, Dragons, Frogs, whatever your companion choice is lets swap stories. It's so easy to talk about how cute our kids are and how much you love when they have hiccups, but that is not funny. What's funny is the naughty stuff. The stuff you are so glad didn't happen to you.
This week isn't a link-up. It's just a story of Shia, being bad. As she does from time to time.
Shia is a really big girl. She weigh about 70 lbs and could knock you right off your feet. She's strong and like most bulldogs she's bulky and knows how to use her weight. Tonight Jared and his friends were going golfing. They went out the front door to load the clubs into the car. The door was left open, and to Shia and Indiana that is the best thing that could possibly happen. An open door is like cocaine to an addict. Of course, my 2 angels BURST out the door. They started off with a brisk walk and they kept turning around to make sure I wasn't getting to close. I was briskly walking behind them, because if I start running, they will certainly run and believe it or not they are much quicker than I am. Most likely because they come from wolves and I am most likely related to a fat chimp. 
Anyway the worst thing possible that could have happened did. They spotted a tiny dog. There is nothing (except for an open door) that Shia loves more than a small dog. She takes off into a cheetah sprint. I start running behind her and am sternly saying SHIA, SHIA STOP. Of course, I have no control at this point. The lady who owns the small dog sees a giant pig-like animal that weighs as much as the person "trying" to catch her without much success bolting toward her. She grabs her small Chihuahua and scream "SHIT, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?". I was caught off guard... No, I am not kidding you - my dog is actually chasing yours right now. I definitely didn't say that, but instead said my go to phrase with Shia. "I promise she's nice - she won't bite". This lady said, "Whatever, I have been bit by a dog before in this neighborhood." I understand her fear because Shia really does not look friendly when she's running full speed and it doesn't help when I am chasing her and screaming while she blatantly ignores me. I grab Indie first, who is over sniffing her human child, the child is in phase 1 of a tantrum bawling, the lady is holding her Chihuahua, beckoning to her human child and I'm running in circles around all 3 of them trying to grab my dogs that are not wearing collars. I pick Indiana up, his 30 lbs would have been enough for me, but then I have to try and grab Shia who is 70 lbs and really is fighting me. I walk 4 houses down back to my own house. Indie has scraped up my whole side and Shia is practically being dragged at this point. 
I went inside shut the door and hid. 
I hope you have some Bad to the Bone stories to tell me next week. Mine happen constantly, I should start a Bad to the Bone blog with stories about Indie and Shia misbehaving.