Bafflerom Trufflecom

Posted on the 23 November 2012 by Somkritya @somkritya
In the town of shakeyobumlives a very lazy man named Tom Tum.Lazy lazy lazy he is from head to toe Crazy Crazy this lazy man with no friend or foe Not that he had a lazy Dad or Momor was hit by a lazy bombor was this lazy from day oneor has being playing lazy just for fun,he once have a very active life style would get up early, do yoga and run for miles But one night he was tired and late to sleep and next day irritated by the clock’s beep he cursed and broke the alarm clock and after that never got up This Thanksgiving I went to his town and asked everyone The Smiths,The fells and The Browns and all those who once knew him well Julie, Robbins, Gilbert, Tim and Bell pointed at his house and said look at that creepy house dirty yellow with a broken gate, There lives our ex-friend The very lazy Tom who wont move even if attacked by the devil Zomzom.Thinklepom, Crazycrom, Pimplehom,Jabberbom who is this devil Zomzom ?What if Zomzom is a dinosaur, the most dangerous one at thator cats with bad temper who treat every lazy guy like a fish or a rat or a crocodile or an alligator or may be a bear who is also a vampireor a dragon who drinks lazy shakes,spews venom and breathes firethat will be so much fun don’t you think soa lazy guy being chased by a zombie crowTrickipom, Sobberchomp, Maniacom or Flabbernom Zomzom is coming, let’s  pray for the poor lazy Tom STORY AND CARTOON-©  SOMKRITYA