When I first received my package of Torani Syrup and looked at the flavors: hazelnut and Gingerbread, I admit, I was a bit stumped with what I would do with them.
This was my first time working with Torani Syrups. Since I am not a coffee drinker, I knew I wouldn’t be utiliziing the syrups in coffee.
But I knew I really wanted to bake with them. The question was whether or not it would all work out in the end.
The first idea I had was to make cupcakes. I grabbed my white cake mix, looked on the back of the box. Ingredients needed: water, oil, and egg. I then got the bright idea of substituting the Hazelnut Torani Syrup in place of the water.
So I mixed the ingredients together and popped the cupcakes in the oven. A half hour later took those babies out, and tried one out. The cupcake was so flavorful and really gave THE EXTRA touch I was looking for when making cupcakes. I can’t wait to try it with other varieties of Torani Syrup.
I then went the extra mile because it was close to the holidays to make a cupcake tree:
I then looked to the Gingerbread Torani Syrup and thought “what the heck will I do with this one?” I then looked at my gingerbread mix, looked at the back of the box and realized I could also try to substitute the syrup for the water.
The Gingerbread Cake turned out great, and in the process I decided to literally make “gingerbread cakes.”
This was my first time doing anything with Torani Syrup, but after making with them I am truly sold. I can’t wait to check out other flavors to see what will inspire me next.
Disclosure: I was provided samples of Torani Syrup on behalf of SheSpeaks and Torani! All opinions are my own