
Posted on the 05 April 2013 by Bananas4you

I could kick myself for falling and breaking my foot seven weeks ago. Yes, you read that right. It’s been that long and I’m STILL incapacitated. Something that I’ve been struggling with throughout this entire process is balance. More specifically balance between mental and physical health. Problems with both aspects of health are stressful. If you feel crappy or are injured, it’s hard to get anything done. If you’re upset or down on yourself, it’s also difficult to complete tasks.

I have been told many times by my doctor (and my family and friends) to stay off my feet as much as possible, keep my broken foot elevated and iced. I’ve been told this so many times that it’s like a broken record constantly playing in my head, “Go sit down, Anna.” “Ask for help when you need it.” “Be careful today, Anna.” I’m sure that they all wanted just that to happen, just so I won’t EVER forget it.

My struggle with this is that I still have a million things that I have to do every day. Well, maybe not literally one million, but it seems like it. Part of my daily responsibilities includes keeping my apartment clean and tidy, which is not something that I can do while sitting on my bum all the time. It’s not so much a responsibility as it is a stressor. I hate messiness. BUT, I’ve been a good girl and have listened… mostly.

I had been putting off doing my dishes for an embarrassing amount of time because 1. I hate doing dishes, and 2. I wasn’t really supposed to be standing for any length of time. Wednesday was a stressful day. I walked in to my kitchen to get a glass of water, took a look at my counter, and I lost it. So I just started cleaning. And cleaning. And cleaning. It probably wasn’t the best thing to do for my foot (and I have been feeling the repercussions since then), but at the same time, I felt like a HUGE weight had been lifted off of my chest.

Now I know you’re saying, “she’s lost it again within her ramblings…” but I haven’t. Well, maybe I have, but I have a point. All functional relationships have give and take, including the relationships within yourself. I had to forgo some of my physical health in order to mentally feel better. AND IT WORKED.

Not everyone is in my situation, and maybe yours is reversed. What I want you to do is to think about what is bothering you or stressing you out, make a list and leave it in front of you. Take your pen and cross off the things that you absolutely have NO control over. Pick something simple on your list, and tackle it. I promise that after finishing the task, you’ll feel enormously better.