Bath and Body Works Inspired | Chrissieyoj Essentials

Posted on the 02 November 2013 by Genzelkisses

I believe it’s my first time to do a collective product review.  All of these products came from the same brand or shop and I’ve finished most of these products already because I use them all together, except for the soaps of course as I give soaps a minimum of two weeks before I can say a pre-review (if there’s such thing called like that? *laughs*)

Whenever a particular shop or brand earned my trust and I loved their products, I always keep coming back for more and even share the the good news with everyone.  So here, I would like to introduce to you Chrissieyoj Essentials

I found them on Instagram (I’m @genzelkisses, feel free to follow ^_^ TIA!).  I am somehow addicted to body care products such as soaps and scrubs.  Let’s add lotion to the list.  I rarely use body oil or butter but I’ve tried them too.  The seller is really nice to entertain all my questions, then finally I purchased some of her products.  Let’s go first with this Premium Soap that was included on my first purchase.  Oh by the way, I love trying out local brands / products!  Thankful my skin is not swearing on me *evil laugh*

Coffee Soap (Premium Soap) – P125.00


It invigorates your skin from treating redness, inflammation, reducing appearance of under-eye circle, reducing small lines & wrinkles, acne-free, evenly tones & smooths skin.  The coffee grounds can help exfoliate old skin cells, while caffeine can help minimize the appearance of cellulite and varicose veins.  Caffeine works as it penetrates the skin leaving it radiant & glowing.

I cut my soap bars in half or into four, depending on the size so it will perfectly fit my palm.

I love this soap.  It’s creamy and lathers smoothly onto the skin.  As expected with organic soaps, they are not foamy which I learned to love in the process after knowing negative things with sulfates or SLS.  I was born with a lot of broken capillaries on my face and legs (varicose veins) and I’ve been using different coffee soaps.  I’m not sure with the “reducing varicose veins” thing when it comes to coffee soaps or scrubs but they definitely reduce the appearance of cellulite as per my experience.  I even remember my friend asking me what I do since she noticed the improvement on my legs.  I don’t use coffee soaps on my face, and I can’t really have a say with its effects with the under-eye area and wrinkles.

Bath and Body Works in Cucumber Melon  (Inspired) Lotion

This lotion is from their newest batch of products where they incorporated different infamous scents in their soaps, lotions, and scrubs.  They have D&G and VS scents I believe.  I really love the scent of this B&W Cucumber Melon inspired lotion.  It’s so moisturizing and absorbed by the skin really well.  Good for morning and night.  It has SPF30 as far as I know when I asked the seller.  The scent lasts for around 4 – 5 hours on the skin without sweating.

Bath and Body Works Cucumber Melon (Inspired) Soap

Another product from their premium scented line.  I use this soap together with the lotion.  TIP:  If you want to carry a scent, layer your soap, scrub, lotion, perfume of the same scent together.

This smells heavenly.  I love how the bathroom smells like every after shower.  Again, I use this on my body, not on the face and I super love it.  It doesn’t foam at all due to its essential oil ingredients.  Moisturizes like big time too!  If you love LUSH soaps, I bet you’ll like this soap too! ^_^

Bath and Body Works Cucumber Melon (Inspired) – Whitening Sea Salt Scrub with Cocoa Butter

The last product that I’ve tried from their B&W Cucumber Melon line is this amazing scrub!  This one has Cocoa Butter that helps reduce or remove stretch marks.  This has whitening effect on the skin and cleanses it deeply.

See how big the granules are.  It’s made of sea salt, mixed with their other ingredients.  I love the scent so much! <3  What I really like about this body scrub it that it’s moisturizing.  You can feel it with just the scrub alone.  It leaves my skin super soft and smooth.  I finished the tub in just two weeks, using it every other day.  The salt is really compact, no like those scrubs that are loose.

And because I love their products, I recommend them to my mom  bought her these as my late birthday gift  She asked me to find whitening products for her.  I don’t know but in Western Australia, I notice that our skin gets darker most especially during summer and winter.  My skin went back to its original color when I came back here in the Phils.  She’s started using these last week, so far so good she said  Mom asked me to place orders again which I’ll ship to her by next week.

Areas for improvement, well, I hope they can list down all their ingredients on the label.  I always look into that whenever I buy products most especially skincare products.  We should know what are we putting on our skin right?  Chrissieyoj products are Dermatologist Tried & Tested, BFAD Approved, and Hydroquinone Free.  You may see a lot of products like these online but I guarantee you that Chrissieyoj’s are the cheapest I’ve seen so far and I’m satisfied with the results and the seller.

Chrissieyoj Essentials

Facebook | Instagram @chrissieyoj_essentialss | Viber/SMS: 0927 746 0213

Have you visited their page?  What Designer Scent would you like to have?