…Batter Up

Posted on the 08 December 2016 by Zer @the2women

brownie bannerHappy National Brownie Day!

Yes, there’s a day dedicated to the beloved brownie, and why shouldn’t there be. If cookies and every single flavor of ice cream deserve their own day, the brownie certainly does too.

In many ways, it is the perfect dessert. It’s bite-size(ish) and portable, so you can justify eating half the pan (walking to the kitchen burns calories). It also brings together the awesomeness of cake with the gooey texture of fudge. It gets along great with other dessert favorites like ice cream and hot fudge.

Of course, the number one thing it has going for it is chocolate…and on that note, I’ll leave you to take care of that excessive salivating problem you just developed. Might I suggest a brownie?

Happy National Brown Day!

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…just for fun: