Self Expression Magazine

BBQ Before Dinner!

Posted on the 14 July 2012 by Marensmorsels @marentweets

We’re having a family dinner over at my Grandma’s tonight. My Mom’s making salmon and tons of roasted veggies. Oh yay!

So I redesigned my blog to remind all of you that I can redesign yours! I’m quick and pretty cheap. Wink, wink. As far as I know, everyone has loved their designs. Send me an e-mail if you’re interested. I can’t wait to get started sprucing up your blog!

So… where did we leave off?


Happy BBQ Friday!

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These are our yay, we’re going to bbq faces.


I had the brisket plate and skipped the sandwich so I wouldn’t be tempted by all that white bread. And I got to have 2 sides instead of 1. I went for legumes and potato salad.

Can’t turn down the ‘tater salad. Nope, nope, nope.

After lunch I had my dark chocolate!!! I would not be lying by saying I skipped to and from the 7eleven.


I ate the entire bar and I was super hyper all afternoon. Holy sugary-goodness.

How’s the Detoxing Going?

Pretty good. Having the dark chocolate definitely helped cure my fatigue. I’m also not working out hard core during these first few days, which might be helping me feel more energized. Last time I did the detox off sugar I continued my hour a day elliptical sessions.

I definitely like the whole process minus the working out more, now having done both.


Enjoying a mug of instant Starbucks Veranda Roast coffee with stevia before dinner.

Guess what’s coming later… My Wine of the Week post. Don’t miss it!

Tell me about you!!! I want to know…

Did you eat bbq today?


What is your favorite song right now?

I like “Home” by that guy from American Idol.

Would you rather have a Snickers Bar or a Milky Way?

Snickers for sure

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