The great thing about kindness is that it only takes a little to turn a day around. Which means no matter your situation, you can afford to spread it.
Kindness is not something that should be practiced and appreciated only one day of the year. I like to think that we’re surrounded by kindness every day. Whether we choose to see it, or take part, is a different story.
I promise, I’ll try not to get too sappy. I won’t claim that the world is all sunshine and rainbows, but I do believe that it’s filled with kindness. It’s easy, and human nature, to only see humanity’s less than proud moments. They’re loud and hard to miss. Kindness tends to be quiet. It doesn’t draw as much attention, but every day people choose to do the right. They choose kindness in small but significant ways. Most of these go unnoticed, like holding the door or smiling at a stranger, but I assure you they’re there.
So, on World Kindness Day, take a moment to appreciate the small kind acts and maybe spread a little kindness of your own…even if it is still Monday.
More on the Story: Washington Post
…just for fun: