…be Right Back

Posted on the 04 September 2013 by Zer @the2women
With the ongoing march of technology some people think we’re all becoming far too attached to our devices, that it’s changed how we see the world, that it’s making us impatient and inattentive.A new app that lets people know you’re away from your phone and how long it will be before you return doesn’t help the case for self-control much.The BRB app allows you to essentially set an away message for all of your social and texting accounts. You can include where you are and how long you’ll be before you start obsessively checking your phone again.The good news is that the BRB app allows you to unplug without ignoring anyone who texts you. The bad news is that if you need this app you might have some seriously clingy people in your life.Although to be fair, you are sending them automatic messages informing them that you’re out doing fun things without them, so can you blame them for being a little clingy?On the other hand, shouldn’t we be able to walk away from our phones for a few hours without creating panic among our social (of the Internet and real world variety) circles. Has our need for immediacy become that desperate?If you have the sort of friends who become enraged if you don’t immediately respond then perhaps you should be reevaluating more than just what app you can download to appease them.Perhaps it’s not an app that we need, but a change of mind, and a little patience.________________________________________Huffington Post: How to Unplug Without Ignoring Your Friends…bi-daily smile…