"Be7ke" ..... Should I Speak?

Posted on the 04 August 2012 by Pearlowa
This Ramadan 2012, Be7ke released its second season!
“Be7ke?” which  is the fi­rst global Ramadan web-series,  features inspirational three-minute episodes that are released online everyday throughout Ramadan.
One episodes was featuring me  to talk about the culture of food that entails that people to  love their food and eat moderately and consciously. As a food expert, I stressed the fact that a whole food system, that protects consumer's health, should be mutually and ethically reinforced: from the farm to the plate.
Watch this 3 min episode. English Subtitles are available when pressing the CC button

Who's going to be the next 14 speakers on Be7ke? 

**“Be7ke?” is an independent, self-funded project that was launched during Ramadan 2011. “Be7ke?”, slang for “ Should I Speak?” in Arabic, was created by youth for youth and seeks to present timely ideas, concerns, and stories of young women and men who are struggling to overcome a tidal wave of personal challenges, stereotypes, and misrepresentations.
Although originally intended for a Lebanese audience, “Be7ke?” viewership exploded and now spans 125 countries! Within only one year, Team “Be7ke?” went global, with teams stationed across North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia in preparation for season two - Ramadan 2012. Most team members have never met in person and rely solely on social media to plan, coordinate, and promote the project.
Be7ke?’s enthusiastic fans also rely on social media to interact with Team “Be7ke?” and spread the word, describing episodes as “powerful”, “inspirational”, and “bringing tears to one’s eyes”.
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