Diaries Magazine

#beabetteryou - My New Blog Series Encouraging Positive Thinking!

Posted on the 04 June 2014 by Alex_bumptobaby @bumptobaby_blog
#beabetteryou - My new blog series encouraging positive thinking!

I’ve been going through something lately.. I’m not sure exactly what – but my brains been a busy old brain! I’ve been having a little think.. thinking about what I want from life, what I want for Ethan and for Adam and what direction I want to take my little blog in.

Essentially, I just want to make people laugh, I want to make the people around me feel happy and positive! I want to do this through my blog and I want to do it in everyday life! I want to be the best Wife and Mama I can be! And the absolute best version of myself! For far too long I’ve hidden behind a wall of self-built insecurities and anxieties. I’ve passed up opportunities, I’ve blended into the background, I’ve overlooked the good qualities I possess. I've compared myself to others and felt inadequate, I've done what we as humans all tend to do! 

But as I said.. I've been going through a little something. Something that has made me question why I would build up defences and fall victim to insecurities that essentially I've created in the first place. I've questioned why I would compare myself to others and feel inadequate, blinding myself to all of the amazing things that I have to offer the world and all of the things that I should feel proud of. There have been so many questions that have enter my head lately. And without boring you all to death the one thing that I've taken from it all is the desire to want to be the better version of myself and helps others to do the same!And starting from right now (well yesterday actually) I am going to do just that! I’m going to smile every single day and and I am going to do everything I can to bring happiness and positivity to everyone that I meet/talk to! This months goal and then forever after, is to be the best version of myself that I can be and to make as many people as I can feel better about themselves!

I have lots of #beabetteryou posts drafted up and all planned in. They cover a variety of subjects including how to let things like arguments go much quicker, how to find the confidence to ask for things, how to stop worrying about how you look and many many more subjects - but essentially how just to feel a bit better when life becomes all a bit too much! I really hope that my new blog series will be inspiring to some of you and I look forward to sharing some more personal insights into my own life and how I've been able to overcome certain life challenges!
#beabetteryou - My new blog series encouraging positive thinking!
#beabetteryou - My new blog series encouraging positive thinking!

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