With Tyne now having reached the ripe old age of 1, it's easy to think that most of his "firsts" have already been experienced...but this weekend we experienced another one, and it has to have been one of the most fun so far.
This weekend, we headed to the beach!
We've been on plenty of seaside trips before of course - I blogged about one just last weekend infact.
But while we have enjoyed lots of seaside walks, ice creams and rides in the arcades - Tyne had never yet set foot on the sand.
We were saving that for a trip to Exmouth beach when the weather was nice enough....and this weekend, it was.

The first thing Tyne noticed about the beach was the seagulls....he LOVES the seagulls (not like his Mummy, I find them terrifying!)
He mimics the sound they make, and just loves to watch them.
Once we set him down in the sand we eagerly watched to see what he would make of the feel of the sand between his toes - he was delighted!!!!
He thought it was all highly amusing, and had endless fun trying to pick it all up and watch it running through his fingers.

He loved digging in the sand to find shells and rocks, and banging his treasures together.

He did end up with a couple of mouthfuls of the stuff of course....but after a couple of times he seemed to learn his lesson!

He loved exploring near the sea with Daddy.....

And writing his name in the sand....

While Mummy chilled out on the sand!

He loves to watch the water.....

And, much to my horror, crawling off at full speed across the sand was lots of fun for him too....although we chased straight after him just incase he encountered anything unfriendly!

He loved us burying his toes under the sand and digging them back out....

And of course there were the usual Daddy games!

He certainly enjoyed his first trip out to the beach, and we can't wait to go again soon....
We've decided to book another holiday to Cornwall this Summer after seeing how much fun Tyne had on the beach, so we're looking forward to that.

I kept the first shell he dug out from the sand, and i've put it in his memory box so he can always have a little keepsake from his first time on the sand.
I love having these family days out, and finding out more about Tyne's personality as he grows - I did a lot of research into his starsign when he was born as he's the first Aries I've ever known and everything told me that Arian's are very outgoing, that they're the Brave Warriors of the astrological world - I've always found astrology interesting though I don't know how much I believe in it - but I do find his starsign so far to represent him well. He is so adventurous and brave!
My little Beach Baby.....

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