This blog has certainly been one that I've been drooling over alot in recent weeks, and it's isn't just her sweet and sophisticated design or that Sam herself is bloody stunning - jealous much.
Sam blogs about her life, beauty products, and her absolutely precious pygmy African hedgehog. D'ya think I can I get one on eBay?

What made me love Sam's blog was how much effort she puts into making her posts interesting, and she has a true voice to them. The post that pulled me in hook-line-and-sinker was her tale of running the Race for Life 10k - including a breakdown of each km and how hard she found it. The amount of detail really makes her posts stand out.
A Bit About Sam
Sam is a recentLanguage Studies; Spanish, Italian & Phonetics graduate of Leeds Met! She's a budding photographer, who certainly enjoys travel, beauty and her darling hedgehog.Some further reading?
So you want an African Pygmy Hedgehog? // Jewellery I Heart // Dear Sir/Madam Without a DegreeHer blog is a real gem, so go take a peek and I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I do.