Because Sometimes You Have to Bring Your Own Sunshine

Posted on the 18 March 2016 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

Ah, internet woes again. You know sometimes, when it rains, it pours in torrents?

Oh, and it has also been raining a bit even as the temperature has been soaring.

Then my computer crashed.

My laptop broke. Yes broke. As weird as that sounds, it works. Sort of. Each time I open it, I have to crunch the split base and it sort of boots.

Then my internet service provider sent me the dreaded "usage exceeded" alert. Also? Super warm sweaty weather and frequent power cuts.

I freaked out. For about six minutes.

Then I shook off that feeling of frustration.

I there's no internet. Heaven knows I have loads to do.

So what?

Maybe this was a blessing in disguise, to give me pause and tell me - hey, go put on that cape and work your magic.

Story of my life, really. I don't believe in worrying - too much, anyway. I like to look at the silver linings, the positive side of things and of course, the funny side. That's very important. I like to bring my own sunshine too, no matter what the weather, yeah!

No matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine!
So I feel like Superwoman when...

When I get my usually lazy self out to the post office, trekking in the hot sun through the market and stand in queue to send off a parcel to my son who's in college.

When, years ago, I succeeded in getting my super active son to sleep.

When I just get through the day, sometimes.

When I smile even though I am sad inside because I believe that I feel less sad when I smile.

When I stay off Facebook and those other social media hubs and don't regret it.

When I turn my laptop off and go about my day, offline and happy.

When I send a surprise gift and see the reaction.

When I stand in the rain for two hours, pretty sure my friend will turn up. And she does.

When I wake up at 5.27 every morning, get the coffee going and finish cooking and packing lunch before 8 am. Why, drinking coffee alone makes me feel like superwoman!

When I make a child smile or laugh happily.

When I rummage through my old letters and find a greeting card from my Mom appreciating me for something.

When I learn that a child I've been sponsoring for some years has now graduated.

When I decide to spring clean and get the duster and broom out in determination and tell my dust mites I can't play with them today. Wait, broom? That would make me a witch right? Okay, she's superwoman too.

When I complete a project quicker than I expected.

When I fix a plumbing issue/electrical problem without calling the technician - same goes for computer issues.

When I have just the right answer to a tricky question from a child and that includes my son at every stage.

When I check off more than 50% of my to-do list. The bliss!

When I see that my laundry basket is empty..AND the clothes have all been put away, neatly folded.

When a client tells me that no one can do it like me.

When my son tells his friends that his Mom never pulls him up in public.

When I think of my circle of friends, friends who've been around for more than four decades now.

Most of all, I feel like superwoman because I am surviving with my son away in college. And without my Mom.

And when my son tells me I am the best Mom in the world. Tough to top that!

Now where's my cape?

This is a Finish the Sentence Friday post. Our prompt this week is to finish the sentence " I felt like Superwoman when..." I am thrilled to be cohosting with host Kristi of Finding Ninee. Do join us with your own amazing post and link up!

Writer, editor, blogger, social media enthusiast. Love DIY, Coffee, Music, Reading, Photography, Family, Friends and Life. Mantra: Happiness is a DIY Project. In my free time I play with my dust bunnies and show my diabetes who's boss. Tweet as @vidyasury