Becoming an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Posted on the 13 August 2018 by Mattie @comfyconfident

For years, I have been going back and forth, starting and stopping with doing something in the health and fitness industry. I first started this blog in 2011. I often kick myself for stopping because I know it could of been very successful especially seeing how the industry grew. A lot of the bloggers who I started with are very successful now… oh well! I can’t look back. But, my point is, I have wanted to blog, share my journey, and help people for over 8 years but there has always been something holding me back. Whether it was the judgment from others or my desire to have perfect pictures, I always found a reason to stop. I would stress trying to take the perfect picture or get bummed out if I heard someone say something condescending about my post. I would second guess what I was doing and ultimately stop posting, only to restart several times. I wanted everything to be perfect and no one to say a bad thing about me. I know now that is an impossible feat.

Patience, persistence and progression are WAY more important than perfection and people will always be haters.

That is why, this time is different. I have been working really hard to do what I WANT to do, to follow my heart and make my own decisions. People will always say things and have their own opinions but I am not going to let that get to me. I am going to do what feels right for me.

So, here I am!

I am enrolled in Nutrition School to become an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. It is a year long program online and will teach me all about nutrition and help guide me in becoming a Health Coach.

My goal is:

  • To document and share my experience here. I think my personal journey will help others in similar situations.
  • To start my own Health Coaching Business to help others find balance in their life.
  • Ultimately, grow my Health Coaching Business so that I can do it full-time and no longer have to work a 9-5 desk job!
  • The program is a few weeks in and it’s taking me a while to take this step and put it out there in the world. But, I am ready! I want to do this and I need you to help hold me accountable!
  • I truly know I can do this. I also know it’s not going to be easy while working a full-time job, raising two kids and trying to workout/stay healthy. This will be my biggest challenges but I’m ready to take it on because it feels right.
  • I will need to be disciplined and work at night after the kids are asleep when I usually watch tv. I will need to be motivated and get up early when bed is feeling so comfortable. And, I will need to be patient when it feels like I’ve made no progress. It’s going to be a long ride but I’m ready to start the journey to following my passion and dreams!