So what can I tell you about myself? Well let me start with the basics. I’m a full-time kiddy wrangler (two boys aged 5 and 6), a part-time sub-editor, and constant social media user (you only have to peek at my Twitter account to see that @beebeecavendish).
I have also suffered from depression now for 21 years. I am just 36 years old. Looking back after a series of doctor appointments, and CBT and therapy sessions that something just switched in my brain when I hit puberty. I became withdrawn and felt that everything in the world balanced on how well I did at something. I am now on anti-anxiety medication, and have been on and off for about 3 years. I will be taking it for the rest of my life.
At some point in my working life I have turned my hand to most things. I have had admin jobs, bar tending, comedian, waitress, production journalist, caterer are just the headline acts. I volunteer within my local community too.
I find that the busier I am, the less the darker thoughts tend to bother me.
Looking forward to sharing my life and thoughts with you all here.
BeeBee x