Been a While. Happenings.

Posted on the 14 July 2010 by Stealthbeggar @stealthbeggar
Hello Again LJ. It's been a while. A couple of months, in fact. So this is what's been happening.
I've continued with my new years resolution to do everything in moderation, from drinking, to driving (not at the same time mind you), and talking to girls. I've been going to the gym and I've lost 5 kilos thus far, if I could lost another 10 to 15 I'd be in the best shape of my adult life, which would be fantastic because it'd help with that self esteem I've been talking about. That's become really important to me, because lately, well, I've been alone a lot and I really think I need to use my downtime self improving so I'm better at what I do.
My roommate moved out a couple of months ago now, and it's been good living on my own, but now I've got everything sorted out so I need to get a new roommate in here and kickstart my saving again. It's been growing slowly, and I'm almost within striking distance of the amount that I want in there. Admittedly I've gone a little bit silly with the amount that I want in there, but I decided that if I'm going to save enough to move and begin a new life, I'm going to want to actually be able to enjoy a bit of my hard work and piss a bit of it against the wall instead of just saving for what I need and then not being able to spend a bit carelessly. Add to that that maybe I'll want to take a bit of a holiday, or spend a bit of time with my family in the town they're from, and it all starts going up fairly quickly. If I wanted to I could leave now to be honest, and go to where I want to and set myself up quite well. But now it's time to plan for things that I haven't planned for, and add a bit of fun money into the mix.
In light of the whole moderation thing though, there has been one part of my life that isn't up to scratch, and as I suspected when I undertook this resolution, it's the part that relies most on other people to fulfill - sex and relationships. Now I'm not going to whinge too much about it, suffice to say that I'm now into month 13 of this drought as far as sexual contact with another person is concerned and it's starting to get a bit irritating, even though I'm doing an admirable job of holding it down. Of the two girls at work who I was/am keen on, one has told me that she's in a different place to me and that she needs to sort herself out, but I get the vibe that even if she did she wouldn't consider me as even a suitable 'just sex' partner because of said different situations. The other girl I've ended up deleting her number because I wasn't getting anywhere and I could see a train wreck looming on the horizon insofar that she enjoyed teasing me and flirting but would clam up whenever a serious question of anything happening was posed. The girl I used to see is firmly in the friend zone, or to be more precise, I'm in her friend zone. She visited recently and spent two nights in my bed, but I didn't get so much as a hug from that so I eventually bought it up and got shot down in a glorious flaming mess. So basically I'm back to zero prospects. I'm not ok with this but I'm dealing with the fallout as best I know how and to be honest it's not the end of the world. I have a friend who went through a messy breakup a couple of months back and he's had sex since then but he often asks me in an awed voice how I cope with not being laid for as long as I have. His longest drought thus far is 3 months and he doesn't seem to cope too well.
Something I've noticed asking around is that a large amount of people do have a lot of sex or physical contact with other people. I talk to people that whinge about being in a drought then the question of kissing comes up and you find out that they go and make out with multiple people at a club every weekend, and they're in a drought because they're trying to figure out if they've got feelings for the last person they've had sex or whether it's simply physical. I guess it's a bit of a strange situation for me - in the few times where the option to have sex with someone else has been present, I've taken it because it doesn't come up all that often. I've never been able to and not taken it up, and the same goes with kissing. When I refer to a drought, I'm talking total hiatus on physical human contact. No sex, no makeouts, even hugs are few and far between for me. I'm not whinging about my situation it's just interesting that everyone has a different perception of a drought. Personally I would count a makeout as the end of the drought.
Anyway, this is what's been happening lately. I'll try to get on here more and might put a bit more work into adding some pics and whatknot in the future. Peace.