Before the Twilight...

Posted on the 10 January 2012 by Alka Narula @narulaalka

every morning the sound of whispers,when there is silence all around  ...when you wake me up , love i feel is all around in silence i feel love,you are the one who sleeps next to me in all my dreams...i wait for whispers to know that you lay beside me when i was in my sleep !!
i close my eyes and hold the pillow and think of you while i sleep....and wake up before the twilight and pretend i am asleep.....i open my eyes with the first whisper i hear, to get a glimpse of you my dear....dont you feel its time for you to appear when i sleep with silence around me that tears apart , no matter how strong i feel !!
deep in love ,the feelings so strong that life seems to have lost color that a want ....and the whispers in the morning is what i am left with ,are the only hope and i survive because i know you lie beside me but before the morning ,before the sunrise so that i can only feel but you dont want to be seen !!
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