…begin to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Posted on the 19 December 2015 by Zer @the2women

Well folks, we’re less than a week out from the big day and it’s finally starting to feel like Christmas, in that I can no longer feel my face when I walk out-of-doors.

Up until now, this holiday season’s weather has been a little unorthodox, to say the least…

And if meteorologists are to be believed (it happens) then Christmas will be back to the new normal (pushing fifty degrees). So, get it while it’s cold. This is not a drill. We need to soak up all of the traditional holiday, cold-weather merriment while it’s still below 32. Get on your skating, skiing, annual sticking your tongue to a lamp-post (no judgement, we all have our traditions).

Of course, if you’re still wrapping up your shopping then none of this applies to you. This is what happens when you procrastinate, people.

Maybe you can sneak a brisk walk in on your way to the mall.

Enjoy the chill everyone!

…bi-daily smile…