Being Held Hostage by SFR Mobile France

Posted on the 01 March 2012 by Benjaminkanarek @bkanarekblog
Being Held Hostage by SFR Mobile France

SFR Mobile Telephone Company and Their Unsavory Service

This is a warning to all of you with SFR Mobile in France wishing to change mobile telephone carriers. On February 7th I changed one of my phone services from SFR and paid a penalty for doing so. That was understood as the contract had not run it’s full term and I abided. I changed to Sosh a division of Orange for a price radically less expensive than the service I was using at SFR. In fact, Sosh will cost three times less than what I was paying at SFR and I will get twice the time that SFR were giving me. None the less, the line should have been activated on the 17th of February and as far as Sosh are concerned it has been activated.

Being Held Hostage by SFR Mobile France
SFR Hostage

SFR have not yet unblocked the phone even though in all cases it never takes more than 10 days. It has now been 3 weeks that I have been without the new phone line. I am having to pay for the new service at Sosh even though it is not functioning.

SFR admit that it will take at least 4 weeks to unblock the iPhone 4. SFR are being excruciatingly slow in their process for all clients wishing to change from SFR to other carriers. There are so many people canceling their accounts due to the new lower prices that commenced with the launch of FREE Mobile, France’s fourth mobile carrier that thousands of clients are ping ponging from one company to another.

Again, I reiterate, SFR have been painfully slow and it will take one month for her new phone to be unblocked and to function. The customer service at SFR may as well be none existent especially for those wishing to leave their service. They made zero effort to compensate me for the inconvenience! If you can, I suggest you AVOID SFR like the plague. I am in effect being held hostage by SFR!