Being Socially Awkward… Live It. Be It. It’s Okay

Posted on the 03 March 2014 by Jamie Gall @50states50wines

I’m not going to lie here, I am the first person to say I am incredibly socially awkward. I’ve continuously read books on how to deal with social interactions, how to start conversations, and how to hold a conversation, but, in the same regards, I fail repeatedly.

But then there are moments when I know I rock a room and interacting with others in the room.

Some socially awkward fails in my life have included:

Being introduced to someone I’ve known online for sometime then saying hi and then “nothing.”  

Yep, awkward.

And, how many of you have you begun a conversation with a person and right from the get go you realize YOU have absolutely nothing in common with them?  Those conversations are the most brutal.

But I’ve learned through my books I’ve been reading and through just pushing myself to get out there that a major key of conversation is just listening.

And then, guess what?  Ask questions.

It’s 50% Listening 25% Asking Questions 25% You.   The minute we begin to put the pressure off ourselves the easier it becomes to converse with others.

I will still get out and introduce myself.  I’m slowly getting over the approaching people part, and realizing the more you put yourself out there the more rewarding it can become.  In the end, it comes down to two things.  One is that we are people, we all want to feel connected, and the other part? We all have a story to tell.  Be proud of your story and tell it.

So, from now on, every Monday, that’s exactly what I’m beginning to do.  I’m going to unfold a little bit of me onto this blog and just write and share my stories.  It’s time.