At this time of the year I often have half-empty packets of berries floating around in the fridge. They don't look particularly appetising and are often past their best but I am loathe to just throw them out for the birds.
The quickest, easiest option is normally to blitz them into a smoothie which I then gulp down in the mornings with breakfast.
As this is a strictly use-whatever-you-have-lying-around type of smoothie there isn't a 'recipe' as such. It's more a nudge to have a think about how you can make the most of your leftover fruit and veg!
For this one I used half a punnet of blueberries, half a dozen strawberries and some cherries (that I remembered to de-stone at the last minute otherwise I would have had a busted blender blade). I added some fresh basil for flavor and as I had no yoghurt in the house I used some sugar-free apple and blackcurrant squash (diluted, not neat) to mix it all together.
Hey presto, a few minutes blitz in the blender and you have an instant, delicious and refreshing smoothie! I bottle it, stick it in the fridge and it lasts for about 2 days.