I decided over the weekend that I hated my blog design. Every time I looked at it I wanted to puke out my whole entire brain. I don't know why this happens to me - but every now and again I just start to hate something. Like in my house I really hated our basement because there was a wall in the way. I was not satisfied until we straight up knocked that wall out. It was really a dumb wall. Anyway -- how do you like my new blog design? I do like it.. but I feel like it's too generic. It's headed in the right direction, but it's not there yet.
I really need your help. Here's the time to bash my blog. Well don't be too harsh because these little design changes did take up most of my day yesterday. But I want to know what you do and DONT like about my blog design. What would make it better? Does it flow well? Does the yellow at the top look too poopy? Seriously these are the things that go through my mind. Do we like 3 column or does it look too busy?
Here's my new blazer (I am wearing it RIGHT NOW)... I have a shopping problem (that was off topic).
Blog design advice would be nice... PLEASE