Best Homemade Bread Recipe … for the Soul

Posted on the 25 February 2013 by Lynne @lynneknowlton

Have you ever baked homemade bread ?

It’s therapy.

It’s comfort.

It feels good.

It is so simple to do.

It gets in your heart.

It can feed your soul.

I bake bread when I am going through a tough time.  It just feels good to bake.  It also feels good to eat bread without preservatives and additives and whatever-it-ives.

I lost my Grandpa { Pop } this week. Although he was technically a senior citizen, he was truly a wild teenager in his heart. He knew how to laugh.  He could tell a great story.  He used to ‘pretend’ he was old if he wanted to get his way. He was hilarious.  He still had all his marbles.  Sharp as a whip.  He had it together.  He didn’t miss a beat.

Pop was a beautiful beacon to our family. An incredible blueprint on how to live.  He taught others how to forgive and forget – purely by example.  He never lectured. He taught us that sometimes you have to be silent to be heard.  He just did all the right stuff.  I admired that about him ~ always.

He is quite simply, unforgettable.

The loss of my Pop caused me to pause.  It was a good reminder to stop, slow down and breathe.  I baked.  I reminisced.  I reflected.  I fell deep into thought.   I cried.  I listened to music.  I cried over and over again.

I baked some more.

I have baked about 29 loaves of bread in the last couple of days.  I could officially open a bakery.  I have played every sad song on earth.  Do you find that when you are going through a tough time, it seems that every sad song seems to hit home?


Here is a favorite song of mine that I thought you may enjoy.   It is sort of a love song, but it seemed fitting this week because it is about STARS in the sky.  As I reflect on the beautiful souls that have left this incredible earth …. staring at the sky is a poignant reminder that they are out there watching over us.

This song hit my ‘play it a million times’ playlist this week.

STARS by Grace Potter and the Nocturnals :



The homemade bread recipe is filled with good mojo. It comes from a beautiful friend of mine ~Marg.  She has the biggest heart.  The kindest soul.  Her incredible inner beauty transfers into the recipe for me.

 I hope it does the same for you.

Click on the recipe below if you would like the pdf printable :

P.S. I used unbleached all purpose organic flour.  You can also use whole wheat flour too. Just start with the 4 cups of whole wheat flour and when you add the additional cups of flour, use all purpose flour.

Tried, tested and true.

With much love,

This photo of the recipe, is a ‘pinnable’ version for pinterest.  Please share it, if you have a moment:

As always, I am grateful for any sharing of photos on Pinterest ! Cheers !!

Sources : Ikea Candles ,  Stainless Steel Mixing Bowls ,  Music : Grace Potter ~ Stars