Better Late, Than Never?

Posted on the 22 March 2013 by Gandbblog @GandBblog
It's Friday and I am so behind today. I may or may not have a nifty collage for you today. Okay, I don't. But you'll love this anyway. A lot of them are from today because well, it's been a rockin' Friday.
Linking up with Lauren for High Five for Friday, guys. Better known as H54F! Woop!
1. Everyone and their mom is pregnant. Not their moms, but like a lot of people. I am ecstatic because it means that I will be seeing a lot of really cute babies on bloggy land. Exciting stuff! Also, makes my clock tick a lot louder. Any other women feel that way?
2. I won a giveaway from A Crazy Walk on the Safe Side (also preggers). I was so excited! I had to post a pic of my winnings! :)

3. I have lost about three pounds this week (mostly water weight)! I have reduced my caloric intake and worked out, but not as much as I should. I think I am just a little fatigued from the reduced calories and its been a rough couple of days. But I am hanging in there. I should probably take a multi-vitamin for good measure!
4. I got a new iPhone background from Aubrey that is to die. I just L O V E gold right now. Perfection. 
5. I found several smarter options this week in my healthy eating lifestyle change. One is a Subway Fit Kids Meal. Like 345 calories for the whole shebang. Complete with juice box and reusable lunch bag. I have not had a juice box since I was 8. It was awesome! 
How was your week?