Big Book News …

Posted on the 11 June 2015 by Mushbrainedramblings

Today, Thursday June 11th, exactly four weeks to the day, since that wet and soggy book launch, the paperback edition of Milky Moments is being released.

That in itself is newsworthy and exciting, but not for any other reason than it’s (also) a lovely edition … the note worthy part, the truly newsworthy and really exciting part is that it was due to be released in September 2015… but, due to the massive demand for Milky Moments, the first run of the hard back edition of Milky Moments has all but sold out.

SOLD OUT!!!!!!!!

The publisher generously acknowledged he’d been ‘caught short’ by the demand when he sent me a rather lovely Congratulations email … he wasn’t the only one. My jaw is still on the ground, people didn’t just buy the book, they liked it and they bought it in the droves … all round the world!!!!

The paperback edition of Milky Moments has released today, a full three months early. The current plan is for the hardback to be reprinted and it should be on shelves and virtual shelves again later in the summer.

A tiny bit of me feels sad that we have to stop selling the beautiful hardbacks for now, and is apprehensive that the paperback won’t be as cherished and loved as the hardback is. People have described it as a book to keep, to hand down to children’s children and so on, I don’t know if a paperback will elicit the same emotional response. I’ve looked online and it’s there, Milky Moments is ‘live’ in full paperback glory. We’ll have to work again to build up the huge number of Facebook likes the hardback has generated (over 500 to date on its page on the Pinter and Martin site), and the tweets and shares … but we’ll get there, and in the meantime the my Milky Moments F page is getting ever more popular and ever more active with all the latest news, updates and reviews .

So, there you have it, my news, the news, the BIG NEWS of the day on June 11th, a lovely normal funny beautiful important little book, one that a fair few people doubted, has sold out (well almost … there are a few hardback copies in the Cherry Hinton Road Post Office in Cambridge (I love that they were the first shop to put it on their shelves in the UK as it is where I posted the signed Milky Moments contract back to Pinter and Martin from), and at the Barn in Kneesworth and a bookshop called Liber in Sligo and a few other independent bookshops, and I’m taking some to various fairs, festivals and shows over the next week or two, and there are a few left on the publishers site … but the distributors warehouse has none left, instead there are now boxes of Milky Moments paperbacks which will be winging their way around the world… and now on sale.

So if you want a hardback, a first edition print run hardback, then chip chop and buy one before they’re gone and become a valuable collectors item!

UK retail price for Milky Moments paperback should be £6.99 (are we EVER going to pay back our advance? it will take much longer now before any Royalties appear!!), the paperback is up for £5.99 on the Pinter and Martin site … which seems almost insultingly cheap for all our hard work!

Go, click like on the paperback page, share the link, buy the book, it’s on Amazon too and other sites all round the world … as is the Kindle edition! (Really, who reads children’s picture books to their children on a Kindle … maybe lots of people do … call me old fashioned but … sigh … anyway, it’s there if you want it!)

Look forward as I do, as Jess also does, to the reprinted hardback edition being back on sale again very soon.

Ha … who’d have thought it?!

Sold out …

Side by side, the two first editions of Milky Moments. Hardback and paperback, on the publisher’s bookshelves.

now there’s a thing!