Big School Is Looming

Posted on the 28 July 2014 by Mummysspace @mmeeee
I'm still in denial that Ben is actually finished preschool for good and "big" school is looming ever closer. His last day of preschool was last Wednesday which was all a little emotional, well for me anyway. I'm not convinced Ben realised that was it for good when we said our goodbyes and thank yous as we left. He is however very excited about his new school, especially about the giant wooden pirate climbing frame an swimming pool they have there.

Big Changes on the Way

Ben's preschool really encouraged learning through play so he had a lot of fun there everyday. I have a feeling things will be a bit different at his big school as they are pretty academic so I hope he won't find that too hard to adjust to. 
As he did mornings he was only away from me for three hours a day hence it's going to be a shock to the system (both his and mine) dropping him off for an 8.45am start and not seeing him again until 3.10pm. I'm going to miss my big little guy. I am also slightly worried none of the other children from his preschool will be going to his big school however the school have arranged some picnics during the six weeks holidays so the children and their parents can get to know one another which is a fantastic idea I think.

School Uniform

I have got some of the official bits of his school uniform that we had to purchase from the school including his school tie, jumper, polo shirt, PE kit, book bag and water bottle but have yet to get trousers, shirts, shoes, socks and so on. I need to figure out how many of each he will actually need as at the moment he has a change of clothes every day. 
One of the things mentioned at the new parents evening was that we should get our children ready for big school by teaching them to tie their tie and button and unbutton shirts so I guess we should start practicing. I may have to consult google myself as it's years since I tied a tie, shame they couldn't have those ones on a string of elastic. 

Six Weeks of Fun Ahead

For now though I'm concentrating on packing as much fun as we can into the next six weeks. That and getting Ben over his recent ear infection so that he is fighting fit for school in September. September seems so far away right now but I have a feeling it will come around all too quickly!
* Disclaimer: This post is written in collaboration with George at Asda