Hello Everyone,
I am writing this post to update you all about a few projects I have planned and am currently working on:
1. Project Animation 101
I am making an animation for Youtube and hope to release it before going to summer in the city so stay tuned for future posts about this project.
2. Project Book 101
Writing has always been a big part of my life and after all this time i want to write a book so i might share a page or two on here and see what the community think so watch out for that if you don't want to miss out you can follow my blog by using the tool on the side bar of the main page.
3. Vlogging/ Blogging
I am going to be doing a vlog very soon so watch out on my Youtube page and subscribe so you don't miss out, its going to be similar to this blog with reviews, updates and just general conversation.
Also i am going to be putting a blog post up on a weekly basis that will hopefully grow to become a blog post each day later on in the year.
My Youtube Page
4. Project Web Design
The Web Design business is slow at the moment so if you want a web page click the link below. we offer some great packages and give a great service for everyone.
Blue 5 Design
Blue 5 Design Facebook
5. Project Summer in the City
I will be attending summer in the city in London this year and hope to make some connections down in London as i am planning a collaboration with other bloggers and writers to create a new project next year so if you are going to summer in the city in London (17th-19th august 2012) leave a comment below.
Thanks for Reading