Billy Idol and the Ambush

Posted on the 02 March 2011 by Luciferguson @Luciferguson
I should be careful when I'm walking home in the dark. I'm not scared of the dark itself, wound up about drive by shootings or worried I get abducted by aliens. More so, I'm worried when I look up and see a stranger, silhouetted by a street light, coming towards me. And what's the first thing I think when I see a man coming towards me, whose facial features I cannot distinguish, just the glowing halo of hair? What do I think?
"With that hair, he looks like Billy Idol."
I mean, seriously?
When I get back onto campus I take a slightly longer route that curves around the lake and keeps me off of the mud. The path runs next to the big pond and is over shadowed by trees. Again, this in itself doesn't scare me. But one noise tells me my mistake. One noise shows me where I've gone wrong. Not only have I mistaken a student in the streetlight as an 80's icon, but I have taken a route home, in the dark, that lines me up perfectly for a goose attack.
One honk says it all.