Diaries Magazine

Blabbering Fall.

Posted on the 12 September 2012 by Mikidemann @mikidemann
I have mixed feelings about Fall. Utah is becoming pretty fallen these past few days since I have been  home from vacation. I usually do love the fall, mostly because some of my favorite outfits are meant for the fall. I love the cool air during the day, and mostly I really love jackets. I have so many cute jackets and blazers that I get to sport during the fall. AND BOOTS. I love wearing boots!Blabbering Fall.via
However fall depresses me too. I always try and be an optimistic person, but fall means winter is coming. I really don't like winter. I don't even mind the cold, and I think that snow is really pretty, but I feel like I never see anyone during the winter. All my friends and social hang out disappear when Winter comes around. It's a really lonely time. Of course, Winter can seem romantic because you dream of movies, hot cocoa, and cuddling under blankets but that really isn't what it's like. It's more like you can't make out, because you have a runny nose and can't breathe. Your throat is so tender from breathing in the cold air. After a freezing cold morning, you can't warm up until that night in the shower. Blabbering Fall.viaI am never this happy when I am freezing cold.
So I am in this silly dance routine right now. I am excited for fall clothes, carving pumpkins, dressing up, thanksgiving dinner, and pretty drives up the mountains. I just have a hard time not looking into the further season of Winter. 
I want fall to last. So before it's over I will:Go to a drive-in before it's to chilled. I want to go to a corn maze. Take a bunch of friends to a haunted house. Host a football BBQ. Pumpkin carving contest. 
What else should I do? What are you favorite fall activities that I can accomplish? 

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