deep in the thick of winter these are the type of images that come to mind when I long for summertime. even the foggy new england weather is beautiful to me. this is the front lawn of the spring house hotel on block island. visitors need not be guests to sit in the adirondack chairs, anyone is welcome. I just got back from a short trip there with my hubby. it was awesomeness at its best. more about block island tomorrow.
Block Island Revisited
Posted on the 24 July 2013 by Lily Hydrangeadeep in the thick of winter these are the type of images that come to mind when I long for summertime. even the foggy new england weather is beautiful to me. this is the front lawn of the spring house hotel on block island. visitors need not be guests to sit in the adirondack chairs, anyone is welcome. I just got back from a short trip there with my hubby. it was awesomeness at its best. more about block island tomorrow.