Self Expression Magazine

Blog and Life Balance.

Posted on the 12 June 2013 by Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups
Blog and life balance.
Ah, summer. We waited for you through the freezing cold months and begged you to grace us with your presence early. You're a breath of fresh air and have provided us with a jam packed line up as we hit mid June and sail on into July. 
Because of that, you will see a little less of me in blog land. No worries, I'm not going away for good! In fact, you will still see a few posts per week. However, I will no longer be posting or reading blogs on weekends and there may be some weekdays that I don't get around to it as well. I also won't be doing product reviews for a few weeks after I finish up a few I already have, unless I find something on my own that I am just dying to share!
 Here are a few reasons why:
1. We're going on vacation! We will be in Cleveland, followed by the Outer Banks in North Carolina until mid July. I most likely won't have access to a computer at all times as I'm sure you can understand. I will however, have access to Twitter and Instagram so I hope you'll follow along with our summer there. 
2. We hope to get orders soon. Once this happens, I will be scrambling to make travel and moving plans for the three of us and probably won't have a ton of time on my hands. Of course I will keep you all updated but I cannot promise 6-7 posts per week every week during this time. 
3. I want to soak up the time at home. We don't get to see our families often and I want to do my best to be present during our visits together. It's so easy to worry about what's going on in blog land, but I really want to make a conscious effort when spending time on our vacations. 
I promise I'm not going to fall off the face of the Earth. Really, I'm not! I just want you to be aware that things might be a little quieter around here at times and it's only temporary. Come fall, I will be back in the swing of things and full immersed in the blog. 
What are your plans this summer? How do you balance summer and blogging? 
Thank you for your love and support friends...I hope you'll be making the most of your summer as well and soaking up all the little things :) xoxo
Blog and life balance.
"Some days just are...A Complete Waste of Makeup"

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