Blog Bling Round Up!

Posted on the 23 December 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

A few months ago, I set up a little page for awards which keeps things orderly and timely– but it made me miss out on my favorite part of awards. I love answering the fun questions or responding, in my own way, to the things people list about themselves.

So I’m dedicated to tackling the awards Round Up style. I’ll answer one questions or respond to one thought shared from any awards I’m lucky enough to receive throughout the course of whatever random time period I decide on.

  • Last time: June to July
  • This time: August to October

If you’re in the mood to discover some new friends– and why wouldn’t you be? — clicking any of the following links will take you to amazing places.

Thanks again, wonderful folks, for the nominations.
Do I stay up late on New Years Eve? Yes, and I’m celebrating the whole way through. I also do this for Diwali and Chinese New Year. I love to witness a new beginning.

Happy New Year!
I’ve never been the most creative person. There’s a predictability to my imagination and a science to my processing that doesn’t quite make for sheer creative genius. For example, if you asked me to “Say something random!”, there’s about a 60% chance it’ll have something to do with a monkey, and a 30% chance it’ll have something to do with a penguin.

If you ask that same question to a true creative– be warned. They come up with all sorts of crazy stuff.

Speaking of crazy, why isn’t monkeyPenguin a meme?
My blog is unique because of my readership. Y’all are amazing, crazy, fabulous– and crazy fabulously amazing.
I do think there’s lots of creativity that goes into the design of a website layout. It’s a reflection of the mind behind the words and it takes a certain amount of imaginative energy to know what sort of colors and shapes are best.
I agree that there’s an instant-family aspect to WordPress. It’s a wonderfully unexpected element to this entire hobby, and I am grateful to it. I’m proud to be part of a community that sees endeavors like Company for Christmas, and spreads the word or volunteers with love.

Because no one should have to be alone on Christmas, least of all a member of our bloggy family.
There are so many creative aspects of blogging that I couldn’t pick just one to be dubbed “most creative”. I see creativity in everything people do with their blogs — from the obvious things like illustrations to the less obvious– like taglines and scheduling patterns.
It’s as easy for me to recite the alphabet backwards as it is to go forward. I’m the same with months, planets, numbers, and anything else you learn in a specific order.
When the power goes out, my favorite thing to do is panic.

Perhaps it’s not my favorite thing to do, but it’s what I usually end up doing until someone distracts me with candles, food, and card games.

I’ll just be here in the corner screaming. No big deal.
I used to have an Elvis jumpsuit.  The fringe was glittery.
In the last dream I had, I cleaned my house. When I woke up and realized I hadn’t done anything yet, I just crossed it off my to do list.

Sometimes, you have to adjust your definitions.
This nomination was also an incredibly thoughtful reply to a post I wrote to my most loyal reader, who I have not heard from since my letter. As such, there’s nothing more fitting than this picture:

It’s been awhile since I popped this picture into a post. Now I’ve evolved to Twitter-stalking the poor guy as well. FYI, he’s still gorgeous.
I’m not a huge fan of Indian food– and I know that puts me in a microdemographic. It’s not that I don’t like it exactly, it’s just that it’s so overwhelming. I prefer to eat cheese cubes and celery sticks.

I know… I eat like a child.
For this, I’ll just pass on Anne’s message and a phone number that could save a life. 1-800-273-TALK (8255) for 24/7 help if you or someone you know is suicidal.
If I had to have a dog, I would choose it the same way I choose all my kitties. Gut instinct.
I saw a stork on the freeway the other day. I thought it was a heron.

Me: Heron, heron, heron, heron!
Dave: One, I see it already. Two, it’s a stork.
Me: Stork, stork, stork, stork!!
Many of my dearest friends would wear mismatched socks. I’m more of a nylons/tights/pantyhose/stockings girl, myself– but if I absolutely have to wear socks, they match. Otherwise, it bugs me all day.
I love to eat, too. I can say, without a doubt, that the biggest point of conflict (often the only point of conflict) that I have with Dave is our inability to see eye to eye on the glory of food. If there was a food patch for nutrients that made it so he didn’t have to eat, he’d be wearing one in an instant.
My list of fears is endless, so here’s 5 things I’m not afraid of:

  1. death
  2. public speaking
  3. being in a fight
  4. the dark
  5. needles
I love Rumi.  This may be an old fact, but a poem by Rumi was painted on my wedding dress in white.  You could only see it on the white satin at certain angles, but I knew it was there.
I like that blogging makes everyone talk about themselves. Of course, I’m the sort of person who devours autobiographies. There’s just no perspective like our own perspective.

Speaking of talking about ourselves, this was one of my most favorite Rarasaur games:

Peace, my friends!
My favorite flowers are gladiolus. I have no idea why, I just like them because I do.

I used to live by a field of them…
People often ask if I am good at the piano and I say, “I’m fluent.” It’s a subtle but important difference. I can play almost anything if you put music in front of me but it always sounds mathematical. My mother can only play a handful of tunes– but if you aren’t laughing or crying by the time she’s done, then you weren’t listening.
I speak a lot, but unlike most chatterboxes, I’m highly attuned to non-verbal communication. Many of my nearest and dearest are the silent types.  I’ll usually carry on a conversation with them based on their eyebrow twitches and cheek movements.  I bet it’s an odd sight to see.

I’ve always been more of a “Jay” than a “Silent Bob”.
Even thinking about going to the dentist makes me cry. No joke. Sometimes I’ll be crying in the lobby, and a nice patient-in-waiting will pat my hand and say “Do you need me to ask the doctor to get you more drugs?”. Then I have to sniffle and explain, “No, he hasn’t even seen me yet. I’m just here for a cleaning anyway.”


Thank you all for the wonderfully kind awards, and more importantly– your wonderfully valued readership! I hope I didn’t miss anyone.  I’ll be getting to November and December in the next few days.

Are you a Silent Bob? What was your favorite Rarasaur game (some of you have made it through many – ACME detectives, Valentine’s day cards, doodles, friendship bracelets, anonymous posts, Magic cards)? 

What would call a monkeypenguin– a monguin? A penkey? Jim?