Diaries Magazine

Blog Changes

Posted on the 22 July 2013 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
I've decided to make a few changes to how I run my blog, I like to post according to a schedule as it makes it easier for me to keep on top of things and I think its nice for readers to know what days to expect certain things on....
But I want to start including more free-writing style posts on my blog, and my old schedule was too tight and didn't leave much room for spur of the moment posts!
So, this is how my blog posts will be scheduled from now on:
Monday - Remains as Mummy Mondays, and will focus mostly on a baby product review - I will try to keep baby product review posts to Mondays only as much as possible
Tuesday - Once a month there will be a Baby Watch post detailing Tyne's development and what he's been up to, and every other Tuesday of the month will be a lifestyle post - which could be a restaurant review, a review of a day out we've had, or just general chatter about life!
Wednesday - Remains as Beauty Wednesdays, will focus on a beauty product review or tutorial.
Thursday - remains as Thursday Thing I Hate ranty posts
Friday - remains as Friday Fives, a list of Top 5s - can cover any topic at all!
Saturday - Dressing The Baby will still be posted, but only once a month. Every other Saturday will be free for a random post if I feel like writing one.
Sunday - Will be a free day when I may post a random post if the mood takes me.
Do you have any suggestions for my blog? Any kinds of posts you like and want to see more of, or any you don't enjoy and want to see less of? I'd love to hear from you!

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