Blog Love

Posted on the 13 March 2014 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
Like the word favorite I over use the word love. I love reading blogs and commenting on them. My new favorite thing is blogger happy hours. I have met some amazing bloggers through this as well. The reason I started blogging was to meet women all over the world because we can't seem to stay in the same place for more than 2 years.  I'm also getting sick of bloggers being mean to each other. There is no reason for us to be mean to each other. We should be lifting each other up and encouraging each other in our blogs. 


Here are some bloggers that I just love: Madi from And So I Did: Like every other blogger I know she just got a new house! (Not jealous at all but making an observation that everyone is getting a house these days) I love all of her home decorating posts.  Margaret from Life After Athens: I don't remember how I met this lady but I am so glad that I did. She has been amazing during the move. We are planning a blogger meet up this summer. I seriously can't wait until she gets settled in her new place. Rebekah from Living Lavender: She is my DIY twin. That's really all I can say.  Casey from The Aslan's Auspicious Albany Adventure: She is the epitome of the reason behind the post. She has a weekly post called Cheers Not Jeers where she highlights different bloggers. She does it without expecting anything in return. I love this about her. I am so glad that I "met" her a few weeks ago.  What bloggers do you love?