Blog Love @KDillabough @UnknownMami @VanitaCyril @JoyChristin @JDMeier

Posted on the 03 March 2014 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

This has to be my favorite prompt for the 7 day Write Tribe Festival of Words – 3 being celebrated from March 2 to 8, because Day 2, that is today, the prompt is “Blog Love“. If there is one thing I enjoy doing, it is showing off my favorite people.

You know what they say:

“Treat your friends like your favorite photographs. Place them in the best light”

While my list of favorite bloggers is quite long, today I have the privilege of highlighting five of them.

Why do I love them?

They are good friends
They keep in touch regularly
They make my heart sing
They inspire me
I believe they help me grow
They encourage me to keep the faith and focus on the good
They are great teachers
They are compassionate and kind
They write beautifully
They are very supportive
They are FUN
I look forward to their email updates eagerly
I can spend hours on their blog
Through them, I have connected with other wonderful bloggers

Having said that…

here are my five blog loves

Blog Love: J D Meier, Sources of Insight

The first thing I look for when I log in to email every day is to see if there’s one from “Sources of Insight“. Author of the fantastic path-breaking book “Getting Results – the Agile Way“, JD inspires, teaches and offers nuggets of wisdom in every post. Concepts from his book have helped me personally and in my parenting. I just love his blog – it makes me feel I am in the right company!

J D Meier says, “I believe everybody deserves a chance at a better life. I also believe that life’s better with skill. Sources of Insight is for people with a passion for more from life … to help you “flourish with skill.”The purpose of Sources of Insight is to help you on your quest to be awesome at work and life and provide you with principles, patterns, and practices for getting results.My mission is simple: I help people multiply results in work and life”. I endorse that he walks the talk, manifold! Please visit this page to benefit from JD’s free priceless resources.

Please visit his blog: Sources of Insight

Blog love: Joy Christin, Facets of Joy

Even as I type her name, I find myself grinning. Joy exemplifies her name. I believe I share a soul connection with her. I almost met her last year, but since we canceled part of our trip, I couldn’t. She’s compassionate, loving and generous. The perfect collaborator. She believes in community and I find that so much in sync with my own focus. I’ve collaborated with Joy on several ebooks and we continue to share our love across the oceans. I’ve Skyped with her and what should have been a brief conversation became a two-hour laughter fest.

Joy Holland is an Empathic Intuitive Guide, Energy and Clarity Facilitator who shares the gift of presence to magnify your inner brilliance. Joy is the founder of Facets of – a community where exploration is encouraged and heart whispers are affirmed and supported.

Please visit her blog: Facets of Joy

Blog Love:  Kaarina Dillabough, Decide2Do

I cannot say enough about Kaarina. Besides the honor of connecting with her virtually, I also had the greatest pleasure of meeting her in real life. Who knew? And it is like we’ve known each other all our lives. A fabulous example of forming a lifelong connection. We keep in touch via email and have taken permanent residence in each other’s hearts.

Kaarina is a business strategist, motivational speaker, facilitator, trainer and personal/professional coach and mentor. As a former Olympic coach, she knows how to get the best out of people. Long before “Business Coach” became known as a profession, she parlayed her athletic coaching skills to the business arena, where for 25+ years she has helped leaders, managers, teams and individuals set goals, make decisions and ACHIEVE RESULTS. Her secret? A customer-centric, results-driven approach.

Please visit her blog: Kaarina Dillabough

Blog Love: Claudya, Unknown Mami

Claudya Martinez is easily one of the most endearing bloggers I’ve met. Warm, lovely, intelligent, she is Mom to two wonderful girls. I met her roughly three years ago. She hosts my favorite meme, Sundays in My City and I owe it to her for encouraging me to share my photos. I’ve enjoyed watching Claudya slog her butt off and grow over the years. What I love most about her is this: she never forgets to express her gratitude in her posts. That takes a huge heart.

She cracks me up with her “about page”. To quote her: “Born and raised in California, my world has always been bicultural. I started my creative life as an actor, many years later I became a mother, which changed my life in so many ways. Looking for a way to channel my creativity, I started a blog: Unknown Mami. It turns out that my entire life there had been a writer stuck inside of me trying to get out.”

Please visit her blog: Unknown Mami

Blog Love: Vanita Cyril, The Strategic Mama

I swear that Vanita and I are sisters from another Mother. We were meant to connect, love each other to bits, bully each other, push each other, encourage each other. In short, if we just have to chat every day. Generous, talented and gifted, Vanita of The Strategic Mama is an amazing individual. Very few people can be as positive as she is and I trust her with my life. What I love most about her is her ability to tell it like it is without the BS.

Vanita Cyril, WordPress designer, SEO demystifier, Developer, Web Business Marketing Strategist, Mentor, Mompreneur Supporter of Mom Entrepreneurs Everywhere. She is the fixer of SEO disasters and the bringer of self expressive beauty via WordPress designs to websites and blogs. With each of her clients, her mission is always the same: she provides direction, a kick ass design and a marketing strategy all based on their goals of building a striving money maker.

Please visit her blog: The Strategic Mama

I love these people, I love their blogs, I love their focus.

If you had to talk about three bloggers you love, who would be on your list?

Tell me in the comments! Blogging is all about community and interaction and I’d love to connect with more awesome people through you!

To visit some awesome blogs, click the picture below:

Namaste! I am glad you are here. May your day be filled with smiles!
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