Blog Talk Radio Interview

Posted on the 27 January 2016 by Drowqueen @theburnedhand

Hi I had a follow-up radio interview to my previous interview that talked about Living with invisible diseases. Today the talk focused on how I was able to move forward from all that pain, and start getting back to the life I thought I was going to be living.

What is Blog Talk Radio anyway?

BlogTalkRadio is the online radio network that allows users to host live call-in talk shows with unlimited participants using our free podcast recording tool. No software to download or complicated audio equipment.

I would love for you to listen to this quick show! The Magic Happens "Share the Wealth" with Kellie Fitzgerald as hostess. The interview went so well again that Kellie has asked me to come back for an even longer talk next time because we both feel that living with invisible diseases does NOT need to be hidden in some dark, dusty corners and spoken of in whispers. No. We both understand the pain of inflammatory diseases and what that brings to the table when people think "You look well." To be honest with you, I don't remember what I said last time...but it was painful I know. Raw. Real. And me. Here it is: Older Blog Talk Radio Interview <<< so you can see the difference.

Thank you for always being here with me! Namaste my friends.

Blog Talk Radio InterviewHere is the link to 4 Weeks to Wellness. I appreciate those of you who have already signed up and are giving me such great feedback after listening to me this morning! You can leave a comment on this post if you would like!
